Exo:Core beta-test Program
Before you first use Exo:Core, make sure you've read and accepted this message.
Please try the links below in order to enjoy and test some Eye:core scripts (runned by Exo:core). When you first open a web page containing some Eye:core media, or if there is a more recent version Exo:core available, your system will automatically download about 173K of data (the size of the plug-in). After that, viewing any webpage containing eyecore media should only require the download of the media file itself (which can be smaller than 1K). After the first-time download of Exo:Core you will be submitted a Certificate from BostonBandwidth.com, our commercial and technical partner. You should accept this certificate, and be sure to check the 'always trust' checkbox, in order to have seamless updating of Exo:Core.
OS and DirectX version.
The plug-in is supposed to normally run on Windows 95, 98 and NT4.0 (I would appreciate some test results on a brand new installation of these OS's). It is supposed to accomodate any version of DirectX. Some report about running Exo:Core on a system without any DirectX additionnal installation would be very instructive.
Bug Reporting
To report us the bugs you encountered, you can find THERE
a quick and smart bug-report form. Although it's supposed to automatically detect
your Operating System and Browser Version, check it anyway.
You can also mail us directly at this address: betatest@eyecore.net
If you want to send us message about Exo:core that doesn't concern a bug issue,
please use this adress: exocore@eyecore.net.
Link summary
Bug report Form | Home
| Mail about a bug | Mail
about Exo:Core